Life is dance of endless change. The universe is nothing but change, activity and process. Life is rolling over the time in different transient forms. Isn’t everything always changing… the Sun and Moon, the leaves on the trees, the seasons, the weather, the people passing by?

And what about us? During this transformation called life, we learn to love, hate, feel pain, anger. Cells of our body are constantly replacing, dying and renewing, and even the expression on our faces change depending on our mood. Doesn’t everything we have done in the past seem blurry now? The friends we grew up with, the childhood games, those believes we once held … we have left them all behind.
Do you remember when you qualified to become ‘Grown Up’ and left innocence of your childhood? Do you remember when you first realized that you were only going to get busier and busier...That life wasn’t going to slow down? Do you ever wish to go back to your childhood and reverse the role? Now you know, that you should’ve used all that freedom, play, and innocence while you were child. Now you are grown up and doesn’t seem right any more to Stop; Slow Down; or play.
We all get caught up in the business of making decisions, studying, going after our carriers, earning money to pay for a house we don’t spend very much time in, or spending time at work much more than we’re with ourselves or our families.

We always feel there is not enough time in our day! We want more! But the problem is not in having too little time…We all have 24 h in our day. What we don’t all have is focus, intention, and an organized life. We’re stressed, we’re overwhelmed with stimuli, and we’re bombarded with things to do. So, it is our perception of our time and how we should fill up that time in the day!
What would you do if life forced you to start afresh?
Something changed in 2020! It gave us big lesson about time, importance of family, and self-care!! We had most of the world’s activities just… cancelled. And people their time, their activities and priorities... Some have reconnected with nature in a way they never believed they’d have “time” to do again. Some have enjoyed ‘Family Retreat’ and gotten to know their children and significant others on levels previously unimaginable due to former “time” constraints. Some have simply found peace they’d never known.
Change is scary for most of us.
In our minds, change equals loss and suffering; and when change comes, we try to numb ourselves. We assume, stubbornly and whole-heartedly, that constancy provides security and change does not. We fear change as we are scared that we are going to make a mistake, or we are not able to adapt, or predict outcome. Humans are creature of habit and routine, so our brains are programmed to avoid making mistakes to prevent failure. But making mistakes is an essential part of shift and change. Do you agree the only constant in life is change?
If you need support on your Change Journey just click here and book free 15 min chat.